Peptides and Soft Matter Postdoctoral:
An NSF-funded postdoctoral position is available in the labs of Prof. Millicent Sullivan and
Prof. Kristi Kiick in the Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering and the
Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Delaware. The position is
focused on bottom-up assembly of synthetic cells using protein and polypeptide building
blocks. A key focus is the development of new peptide-based membranes and membrane-
enclosed structures with tunability permeability, polarity, and functionalization. Candidates
should have a background in one or several of the following areas: peptide design,
synthesis, and self-assembly; assembly/characterization of macromolecular amphiphiles;
and temperature-responsive soft materials. Previous experience with cell-free expression
systems, complex coacervates, and/or protein engineering is a plus. The position is
available immediately with a term of one year. The term of the position may be extended
based on satisfactory progress and additional funding considerations.
Please email msullivan@udel.edu to submit a CV and contact information for 2-3 references.